Our Programs
Parent & Me
This program is for children ages 18-30 months old with a parent.
Children may enroll once they have turned 18 months old.
Offered Monday or Tuesday 9-10:30am.
Transitional Two's
This program is held one day in the Fall Semester and two days in the Spring Semester. Children attend with a parent during the Fall semester and then transition to going to school on their own for two days starting in January.
Wednesday (with parent)
9-10:30 AM
2 day option: Wednesday & Thursday (without parent)
3 Day option: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (without parent)
9-11:20 AM
2 1/2 Year Old Program
This program is designed for children 2 1/2 by September 1
Program Options:
3 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM Monday - Wednesday
5 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM Monday - Friday
3 Year Old Program
This program is for children age 3 by October 1. Each day consists of: free play, special projects, snack, outdoor play, and group activities such as math, music, singing, story time, and sharing.
Program Options:
3 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM
Monday - Wednesday
4 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM Tuesday - Friday
5 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM
Monday - Friday
4 Year Old Program
This Pre-K program is for children age 4 by October 1. Each day consists of free play with a purpose, a special project, group activities, music, singing, story time, math and reading readiness skills at circle time, show, tell, and listen, and outdoor play.
Program Options
5 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM
Monday - Friday
Transitional Kindergarten
This Transitional Kindergarten program is for children age 5 by October 1. Each day consists of free play with a purpose, a special project, group activities music, singing, story time, math and reading readiness skills at circle time, show, tell, and listen, and outdoor play.
Program Options
5 Days: 8:45-11:30 AM
Monday - Friday
Afternoon Enrichment
These programs are purposefully constructed to provide the students with a variety of academic and non-academic experiences promoting their cognitive, social, emotional and physical abilities. They enhance their morning experience of a core curriculum while encouraging further development of their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Most of all, the children will have tremendous fun while learning!