3 Year Old Program
This program is for children age 3 by October 1. Each day consists of: free play, special projects, snack, outdoor play, and group activities such as math, music, singing, story time, and sharing.
Program Information:
Monday - Wednesday (3 Days) : 8:45-11:30 AM
Tuesday - Friday (4 Days) : 8:45-11:30 AM
Monday - Friday (5 Days) : 8:45-11:30 AM
3 Year Old Program Goals
Social/Emotional Development
Separates easily from parent
Follows directions from teacher
Plays and interacts well with other children
Communicates needs to others
Participates in circle time
Listens to and enjoys stories
Gains self-confidence and tries to do things independently
Physical Development
Weekly gym class with specialist - gross motor skills (jump, balance, run, hop, march)
Fine motor skills (uses scissors and glue)
Completes simple puzzles
Develops proper pencil grip
Experiences outdoor play activities
Cognitive/Intellectual Development
Creative Development
Knows first and last name
Recognizes name in print
Identifies colors, numbers, and simple shapes
Knows some letters and their phonetic sounds
Able to follow a simple direction
Recognizes numerals, letters and sounds
Participates in arts and crafts activities
Expresses self through imaginary play
Participates in weekly music class with a specialist